The Aphasia Poetry Club, 2014

Assistant Editor

Three-channel video installation and additional video works by Kerry Tribe

Daniel Gootnick was the Assistant Editor for Kerry Tribe’s “The Aphasia Poetry Club,” “Forest for the Trees,” “Words That I Mean,” and “The Layers” as part of The Loste Note exhibition, displayed at 356 Mission Gallery in Los Angeles.

"The show’s centerpiece is “The Aphasia Poetry Club,” a three-channel, half-hour video “mural” narrated by two men and one woman. They are afflicted with a communication disorder that results from damage to the parts of the brain where language takes shape. (Aphasia is often the result of a stroke.) Tribe’s video projection mixes photographic images with animation."

- LA Times

“The Loste Note”[excerpt]

"The film is narrated by three aphasic individuals: Chris Riley, Laura Romero and Dale Benson. I got to know them each over the course of a couple of years attending an aphasia support group that meets weekly at Cedars Sinai Hospital in Los Angeles. That group, which has been meeting regularly for over a decade, spun off a second group, the “Aphasia Book Club” in 2014. We meet weekly at the Echo Park Public Library and discuss books and poems that group members collectively select." - Kerry Tribe


To Which We Share


Different Sleep